Sunday, February 20, 2011

Dieting??? Everything Old is New Again! So Why Aren’t I Rich?

Dieting??? Everything Old is New Again! So Why Aren’t I Rich?
I was looking at several pages on dieting by “experts”. All the articles claimed that these were the “best NEW ways” to burn fat, increase metabolism, lose weight... New ((pulling hair out of head))??? Please, just because someone got thousands of dollars to do research to prove something works, which in some cases have worked for thousands of years, DOES NOT MAKE IT NEW!!! Okay so I am a little worked up.
The first “new” dieting concept is to not cut your calories to an extreme. Why? Because your body responds as if it were starving as if it were in the middle of the Kalahari and proceeds to hold onto all it can! So when your friend tells you that they had a piece of lettuce for the entire day and didn’t loose an ounce she isn’t lying. The Chinese have understood this concept for several thousand years! BTW your body needs enough calories so it can burn calories.
Green tea is another great new discovery for weight loss??? The Asians have known that green tea is a metabolic enhancer for thousands of years. They also considered it a longevity drink. So now it is “real” because science can tell us that it contains polyphenols (antioxidant) and catechin (supports fat burning). Just a note that green tea with ginseng which is such a big seller, well they cancel out the benefits of each other! Take that Arizona Green tea! 
Go organic the scientists now tell us. Toxins can build up in the liver (which metabolizes fats for us) and in our thyroid (regulates metabolism). If we don’t choose organic we can actually get a gallon of herbicides and neurotoxic peptides per year. Well thank you science for supporting the concept that our bodies can’t handle toxic overload and that we did not evolve to deal with, which have entered our lives in the past 70 years! Okay John Tesh , and your “facts for life” , you just reported that organic doesn’t matter because we were born with liver and kidneys to clear these toxins. Tell that to the tuna I can’t eat because he has mercury poisoning. Remember John he has a liver and kidneys too!!!
This is true for transfats as well. They tried to sell us on margarine and fat subsitutes during the great “Cholesterol Scare” of the 1980’s (remember when eggs became the devil?).Now they tell us that it actually increases our metabolism to have good fats in our diet. Most cultures in history have used olive oil, coconut oil, sesame oil, gee (clarified butter), fish oil, or oil from nuts as a staple for cooking. Again, NOT new news. The benefits are not only for weight loss, but for the brain, skin, immune function, and fertility. BTW there are only two correlates to a fat free diet: you are more likely to be killed and more likely to kill yourself (all your nerves and your grey matter rely on good fats in order to function). Besides which that fat free olestra (and the diet pill Alli) makes you “leak” and I don’t mean from your ears, eyes, nose, or mouth!
The Chinese have always said “eat by the rule of five”. This means try to include all five element colors on your plate (fire=red/purple, earth=yellow, water=black/blue, metal=white,silver,grey, and wood=green). Science now tells us that people who eat a wide variety of dark color veggies and fruit live longer and have less risk of cancer. The newest study showed that those people who ate dark berries had fewer incidents of Alzheimer’s disease. Lose weight and prevent illness as a double benefit, but again NOT NEW!!!
Sex. Yes it always seems to come down to sex. Current research shows that those who have a “healthy and happy” sex life also are able to maintain weight loss better then those who do not. Of course this relates to nervous tension and stress eating to be sure. The ancient Taoist medical practitioners would actually prescribe sexual practices in order to keep your weight normal and increase your longevity. NOT new and EXTREMELY obvious! 
The final one which REALLY gets to me is one I have been saying for years...Just stop eating processed foods, simple sugar, and simple carbohydrates and you will watch the fat melt away! Okay so the Chinese didn’t have processed foods to talk about three thousand years ago but check it out, now that McDonalds and other processed foods have entered their country they are dealing with illnesses once “rare” on their continent.
Keep it simple and keep it real when it comes to weight loss. What your body needs is nutrition and mild exercise! Oh yeah, and sex.

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